
I'm a passionate software engineer who loves designing, building, and shipping creative technical products with intuitive experiences from start to finish.

I explore the intersection of technology and creativity through programming, providing a unique mixture of analytical and creative skills to every project. Over the years, I've developed numerous applications in a variety of technologies, always with a strong emphasis on the end user.

I draw inspiration from a long list of personal intersts, including tech, music, songwriting, surfing, snowboarding, urbanism, film photography, environmentalism, and travel.

Featured Projects


Now Playing

album art



Song of the Month

album art

Whip It


Here are some of my favorite records, updated live using the Spotify Web API

Designed by Max Fung in California.

This website was drafted using pen and paper, written in TypeScript using Next.js, Chakra UI, and Framer Motion, and deployed with Vercel. Text is set in the Inter typeface.